The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

I’m Pink!

If you think
a flamingo’s pink
you’re right!
As a chick I was white
and my wings are black,
but they’re neatly tucked back.
Sifting shrimp through my beak,
ankle-deep in this creek,
head down by my feet,
it’s what I eat
that makes me so pink
I think.

About the Writer

Jacqueline Shirtliff

Jacqueline is a poet and primary school teacher on the Isle of Man. One of her favourite things is helping children to love poetry and reading and encouraging them to be writers themselves. She lives in a rose-covered cottage near the sea and enjoys gardening, crochet, and playing the tuba and harp, but not all at the same time! You can read some of her other poems in The Caterpillar, Tyger Tyger, Northern Gravy, The Toy, and Little Thoughts Press.