The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Veggies Are My Foe

Listen to Lisa's poem ...
I really don’t like vegetables,
They're slimy and they stink.
I wish that they were marshmallows,
All sticky, sweet and pink.

I truly can’t stand bowls of fruit,
They're mushy and they smell.
I'd rather eat a chocolate bar
That’s full of caramel.

My mother says my teeth will rot,
My body just won’t grow.
But I don’t mind a tiny bit,
Those veggies are my foe.

Last week at Granny’s for my tea,
She fed me chocolate cake.
“It's made with veggies, don’t you know?
“Courgettes are great to bake!”

I stared at her then licked my lips.
My Granny was a cheat.
She’d snuck those veggies in my food,
And made a tasty treat!

So now I get my Five-A-Day
From pear and apple tart,
Spiced carrot cake, a raisin scone,
And pumpkin pie to start.

About the Writer

Lisa Allen

Lisa Allen lives in Liverpool with her husband, two mini bookworms and a perpetually hungry black cat. In a past life, she was a business journalist, but more recently enjoyed a brief stint as a college librarian. Her MG fiction and poetry usually features baked goods, comedy and mythical, magical mayhem. Twitter: @Bozzle