The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

All I Want for Christmas ...

Listen to Shaun's poem ...
All I want for Christmas is a dinosaur
A dinosaur?
Yes, a dinosaur!
A scaly friend with fangs who can stomp and roar

All I want for Christmas is a UFO
Yes, a UFO!!
A sleek and speedy ship that has a cosmic glow

All I want for Christmas is a Haunted House
A Haunted House?!?
YES, A Haunted House!!!
That’s haunted by the spirit of a wise, old mouse

All I want for Christmas is a deep sea beast
A Deep Sea Beast?!?!?
A slippy, slimy thing with twenty arms at least

But if you cannot find this stuff
I’m down on bended knee
To say all I really wanted
Is a comic book please ...

About the Writer

Shaun Jex

Shaun is a writer from Dallas, Texas. He previously worked as editor and journalist for the Citizens' Advocate newspaper. His work has also appeared in publications like Celebrations Magazine and Old School Gamer Magazine.