The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Mum Taught You That

Listen to Charlie reading the poem ...
Jump on the sofa,
Dive off the bed,
Make a den of blankets,
Wear knickers on your head.

Blow bubbles in your milk,
Jump out and shout BOO!
Launch into puddles,
Put jelly in your shoe.

Dance around the kitchen,
Put bananas in your hat.
And if anyone asks why,
Say your mum taught you that.

About the Writer

Charlie Bown

Charlie has seven rainbow fish, a hamster called Curious and two human children who put pants on their heads and wellies in the washing machine. Her first poetry collection for children, ‘There’s a Poem in my Dungarees!’, was published last year. She loves playing and being silly - with words and in real life.