The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

My Granny is a Samurai

My granny is a samurai,
She gardens with a sword.
She dead heads her chrysanthemums,
then bows and says she’s bored.

My granny is a samurai,
She mows the lawn by stealth,
She calls the king the emperor
and sips green tea for health.

My granny is a samurai,
with living room tatami,
she rolls in off the battlefield
and snores like an army.

My granny is a samurai,
She loves to eat raw fish.
She is the chopstick ninja
as I chase mine off the dish.

My granny is a samurai,
although she’s her own boss.
She climbs the fence to pick me up,
which makes my teacher cross.

About the Writer

Emma Phillips

Emma lives, teaches and writes in a small town in Devon. She has been writing poetry and stories for decades but this is her first work for children. When she is not daydreaming, she likes to eat crisps