The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children


"Mountain of Fire" – a volcano in Mexico
My favourite word when I was little
was Mexican, "Popocatepetl."

Doesn't come from wood or metal.
Try it – Popo - cat-er - petl.

Sounds a bit like weedy nettle
playing at Popocatepetl.

Hey Polly, pop the teatime kettle
right on Popocatepetl.

Was it Hansel? Was it Gretel
stole my Popocatepetl?

Disinfectants, bleach and Dettol
won't quench Popocatepetl.

Am I crazy? P'raps I'll settle
for secret Popocatepetl. (Say this very quietly . . . . .)

About the Writer

Jane Newberry

Jane is a children's writer living and working in Cornwall. Her play-rhymes "Big Green Crocodile (Otter-Barry Books) were shortlisted for a CLIPPA award in 2021. In 2022 Jane published her grown-up debut poetry collection "Hoyden's Trove", (Wheelsong Press). Her latest book "Big Red Dragon" launched in August 2024. (Otter-Barry Books)