The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Shipwrecked Sailor Shanty

How I wish a ship would take shape.
I’d skip aboard, make my escape…

I’d sing for joy, my heart would flip.
Arrr, what’s that? I spy a ship!

Aye, ship ahoy! A ship at sea!
A shipshape ship shipped just for me.

It’s a shipshape ship that’s shaped like a fish,
aye, a fish-shaped shipshape ship.

Perhaps it’s on a fishing trip,
this fish-shaped shipshape fishing ship.

And perhaps it ships the fish it fishes,
this fishing ship’s on a shipping mission.

And since this ship is shaped so fishy,
perhaps its fish are then shaped shippy.

Aye, this fish-shaped shipshape ship
is simply shipping ship-shaped fish.

Arrr, I should shape up myself
if I wish to ship off
on this ship-shaped fish-shipping
shipshape fish-shaped ship…

But by the time the shipwrecked sailor’s
shapeless shanty hailed
the fish-shaped fishing ship,
that shipshape ship had sailed.

About the Writer

Stefan Karlsson

Stefan is a poet and artist based in Portland, Oregon. He received his MFA in Poetry from the University of California-Irvine. His poems (for children) have appeared in The Dirigible Balloon, Paddler Press, Little Thoughts Press, and Tyger Tyger Magazine. His paper marbling artwork can be found on Instagram @nautiluspaper, and his poetry for kids can be found on Twitter @stefkidlit and on YouTube @StefanKidsPoetry.