The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

There’s Nothing To Do!

I sat on the chair,
And pulled at my shoe.
I sighed and I tutted
With nothing to do.

‘Why are sighing?’’
My grandfather cried,
‘You’re young, fit and healthy,
Take days in your stride.

I know of places,
Your heart will desire.
Adventure grows,
Like flames of a fire.

Band with the pirates,
And sail the rough sea.
Visit the castles
To dance and have tea.

Play with the legends,
Run, tackle, shoot, score.
Dance on grand stages,
And hear the crowd roar.

Practise your magic,
Help wilderness grow.
Decide if new creatures,
Are friend or a foe.

Give voices to others,
Too frightened to speak.
Help quash injustice,
Give hope to the weak.

Go where no person,
Has gone to before.
Search out new places.
Have fun and explore.’

I listened in silence,
My eyes grew wide.
A tease or the truth?
I couldn’t decide

Grandpa then took me,
To do a grand tour.
But then he pushed open,
A normal red door.

‘It’s just the old library!’
I said in dismay.
He picked up a book,
And started to say …

But I couldn't hear him,
Was too far away.
Flying with dragons,
And saving the day.

About the Writer

Claire Walmsley

Claire is a primary school teacher but as a suffer of Crohn's disease (aka Crohn's Warrior) , she's had to take a step back from the classroom. She still get to work in school and loves finding ways to get stories and poems into children's hands! She writes poetry and children's books. Later this year she is publishing her first picture book which she is super excited about! She's a wife, mother, dad dancer and avid cheesy music fan.