Time Travel
I’ve seen it done on Dr Who.
Easy peasy. All you do
is step inside the Tardis door,
find out what the knobs are for,
set controls to forward, back
put your feet up, have a snack,
thousands of years will simply fly,
landing you in a time gone by
or in a future you won’t know,
step outside, give it a go!
Plastic daleks are not for me
existing only on TV;
my brother watches it for hours,
the doctor with his magic powers
has him transfixed, scares him stiff
but sometimes I do wonder if
science fiction could come true
one of these days for me and you.
And look! I travelled back in time
just by stepping inside this rhyme.
Easy peasy. All you do
is step inside the Tardis door,
find out what the knobs are for,
set controls to forward, back
put your feet up, have a snack,
thousands of years will simply fly,
landing you in a time gone by
or in a future you won’t know,
step outside, give it a go!
Plastic daleks are not for me
existing only on TV;
my brother watches it for hours,
the doctor with his magic powers
has him transfixed, scares him stiff
but sometimes I do wonder if
science fiction could come true
one of these days for me and you.
And look! I travelled back in time
just by stepping inside this rhyme.
This poem is copyright (©) Carole Bromley 2025

About the Writer
Carole Bromley
Carole has won the Caterpillar Prize and had poems in Tyger, Tyger, The Toy, Paper Lanterns, Paperbound, Little Thoughts Press and Northern Gravy as well as in her collection, Blast Off! and anthologies from MacMillan, Nosy Crow and Emma Press. She does readings and workshops at festivals and in schools and in 2024 is tutoring courses on writing poetry for children at the Garsdale Retreat and for the Writing School online.