The Dirigible Balloon
Poetry for Children

Wings and Flight

listen well my child, spread your wings and fly
propel forward, fly high and higher still
stand straight and fierce, sharp and tall, be not shy
may your feet be planted upon the hill
your fate as leader is great to fulfill
may all of your loftiest dreams become true
may your sun, moon and skies be clear and blue
may the light and the north star be your guide
day in and out, as you navigate through
all seasons, skies and hills. may love abide.
Picture copyright (©) Mema Daisy 2024
Picture copyright (©) Mema Daisy 2024

About the Writer

Yewande Akinse

Yewande is a poet and author of two collections of poems titled, "A tale of being, of green and of ing" (2019) and Voices: a collection of poems that tell stories (2016).